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Reddy Teddy

Everyone is writing about "Remembering Ted Kennedy"

Well this is "How I Remember Ted Kenney"

I remember reading about Chappaquiddick and a girl swallowing lungs full of water while some drunk son-of-a-bitch crawled out of the car that he drove off a bridge, and calmly walked away leaving her to die a horrible death by drowing.  He didn't even bother report it to the police until she was found the next day. 

I remember some squat little commie prick using all of his influence to force sanctions on South Africa to force the white government out of power and let the Communist Nelson Mandela murder as many whites as he wanted. And that caused whites to leave their homes, land, and everything that they owned in order to keep from being hacked up by some prehistoric jungle fanatic with a machete. And it's still happening! Link below.

I remember the scumball pushing for as many abortions as possible and then having the gall to show up for Catholic mass on Sunday and going to Communion no less.  I WITNESSED THAT!

I remember all of the magazine stories of him staying drunk 24/7 and chasing young girls to commit adultery with behind his wife's back.

I remember him having to testify at his nephews trial (William Kennedy Smith) to the  rape of a young  girl after he went bar hopping with them and witnessed the whole damn thing.  I can only guess what he was doing as he watched.

I remember him supporting the ridiculous government story about his brothers assassination.  You don't get any more rotten than siding with the bastards that murdered you own brother.  He knew exactly who killed his brother.  Then he went to work for them. (I don't have time to go into that here though. Check here for some info)

I remember him as the champion of every Un-Constitutional , Un-American, anti-white, anti-God, socialist, Communist "wet dream" that came down the legislative pike. 

I don't remember all the noble shit that he was supposed to have done.  Oh I remember him being free and easy with OUR money!  But I have to believe that the only one considering THAT a noble act would be the sorry bastard receiving the money.

I guess that it's much easier to be generous with others money when you're born into a wealthy family and never have to worry about getting a real job or even getting re-elected, no matter how much you lie, cheat, steal and murder.

So, think of it this way.  At least the obama years will have had something positive for America to reflect upon.

Hey Teddy, say hello to Judas for us.

I'm sorry if I don't appear sympathetic enough.  It's just hard to cry when you this happy.