Taxes: If you
think that you own your home, stop paying taxes on it and see what happens. The
government will confiscate your home and kick your sorry ass out in the street.
If you pay taxes on "anything" then you are just
leasing it from the government. They own it. Through the tax code they have taken private property rights from the people and you didn’t even
realize it.
Hate Crimes: If the term “Un-American”
can be applied to any legal concept it’s got to be this one. Affirmative action would come in a close second but that’s
another topic.
Hate crimes apply special protection to certain groups of Americans (that includes
everyone except heterosexual white men) and apply especially harsh punishment to other groups of Americans (which ONLY includes
heterosexual white men). Misdemeanors where whites and blacks are involved and racism is claimed by the blacks often impose
ridiculous penalties to whites. Jail sentences and fines for whites are triple and quadruple those imposed on blacks that
commit similar crimes against whites.
Has anybody ever heard of the following statement?
The U.S. Constitution's eighth
amendment states: 'Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.'
Does anyone really believe that when white people become a minority in this
country that non-whites will be so benevolent as to apply special protection to us and especially harsh punishment to themselves
as we do for them now? I actually had one white apologist make that argument
as to why we must pass hate crimes legislation now. He said it was in preparation
for the day when whites were grossly outnumbered in America. Instead of working
to stop the decimation of his people this “panty waist fuck” wanted to give up now and pin his hopes for survival
on the compassion of a race of people that have been programmed to believe that whites are the root of all evil.
The only positive part of this
inevitable catastrophe is that homosexual white men will lose their protected status as soon as whites are sufficiently out-numbered.
Non-whites generally have less use for homosexuals than we do (Especially white ones.).
Common sense tells us that hate crimes were designed to make it illegal for
white people to compete for survival rights in the future USA. We are not allowed
to win a fight with a non-white even if we are attacked or we will be labeled racist.
We are not allowed to protect our neighborhoods or homes if non-whites decide to come calling in the middle of the
night or we stand the risk of losing everything we own when the Justice Department, ACLU, ADL, and NAACP file racism suits
against us. We are not allowed to speak about the unfair treatment of white people
or we are labeled Klansmen and extremists and then the justice department sends FBI thugs to harass us and confiscate our
property and assets. Ask David Duke about freedom of speech in this country today. Hell he gets treated better in foreign countries than here in his own.
Whether you are the victim or
the assailant, if you are white you are wrong in the new United States of Amerika. (I
spelled it like that on purpose comrade)
Just remember you “walking sacks of manure” that dreamed this political
atrocity up…what goes around comes around. When things backlash (and they
always do) you may want to consider placing your trust in a one-way ticket to Guatemala instead of your precious hate
crime laws.
by Selwyn Duke October 27, 2005
The insidious thing about evolutionary tyranny is that it's
only as visible as the people are perceptive. It doesn't beat you over the head like the iron fist of a despot or sweep you
aside like a wave of revolution, but, rather, is a death by a thousand doses of bad medicine that makes benign neglect seem
One example of this brand of tyranny is the proliferation
of hate-crime laws in the Western World. The very concept of hate-crime law itself is an offense against freedom and, as such,
is quintessentially un-American. Yes, I hate hate-crime laws. And so should you.
The main problem with hate-crime law is that it is an effort
at thought-control masquerading as legitimate criminal-justice legislation. Let's examine why this is so.
Consider this example: two identical illegal acts are committed;
the perpetrator of one is motivated by hate, whereas the perpetrator of the other is motivated by good old greed. I'll call
the latter Mr. Greed and the former Mr. Hate. The punishment deemed appropriate for Mr. Greed is ten years in prison, but
the punishment visited upon Mr. Hate is twenty years up the river because his crime was motivated by his namesake.
Now, let's analyze the reason for this disparity between
their sentences. Obviously, the law determined that the act itself warranted ten years in prison because that's what was received
by Mr. Greed when only the nature of the act was taken into consideration. So, this begs the question, since the two
men committed the same act, what were the extra ten years imposed in Mr. Hate's case for? They could only have been for one
thing: the thoughts that motivated the act or were expressed through it.
So, now the government has been appointed both clairvoyant
and arbiter of the acceptability of thoughts, bringing us one giant step closer to an Orwellian nightmare in which the state
plays God, reading and judging minds and hearts and damning people based on its determinations. What's next, "Bless me Big
Brother for I have sinned; I have had proscribed thoughts"? The truth is that the government should punish actions, not motivations.
Now, some will counter that there is precedent for punishing
thoughts because we already do so when distinguishing between certain categories of crime, but this is a fallacy. For instance,
the distinctions between first and second-degree murder involve evaluation of whether or not there was intent to kill,
not what motivated one to have that intent. The law makes a distinction between intent and motive, and while motive can help
establish intent, it is rarely considered when determining punishment. Moreover, when it is, it's always a mitigating factor,
not an aggravating one.
Then there's the matter of murders inspired by passion,
which are viewed as manslaughter. While this charge carries a lesser sentence still, it's not because of motive. Rather, the
judgement has been made that the circumstances preceding the killing were of the kind that would cause a reasonable person
to become mentally or emotionally disturbed. So, the critical point here is that what's being evaluated in such cases are
not thoughts, but emotional state.
Regardless, none of these examples involve the punishment
of those who entertain a given type of thoughts. This is because even when thoughts were at issue, they did not cause more
punishment to be rendered, but less. Moreover, there is a profound difference between having mercy on those who were compelled
by common frailties and visiting Draconian punishment on those in the grip of politically-incorrect ones.
Ironically, while part of the supposed purpose of hate-crime
legislation is to combat prejudice and discrimination, it is the very embodiment of it. After all, there are seven deadly
sins: sloth, gluttony, lust, envy, pride, greed and wrath (hate), and this legislation discriminates by placing an undue onus
on those who exhibit the one that is most out of fashion.
Why is hate being turned into our national boogeyman? Well,
the social-engineers have deemed that hate - and dreaded permutations of it, such as "racism" - are the end all and be all,
the source of all our ills, as they formulate their very own hierarchy of sin. Of course, lust would never find a prominent
place on the totem pole, since the libertine formulators in question have tried to turn the exercise of it into a national
pastime. Nor would envy strike them as something bedeviling us, since it infuses their souls and animates their schemes to
redistribute wealth. But their version of hate is the bee in their bonnet; so much so, that they don't see the forest for
the trees. After all, if crime is at issue, the focus should be on that which probably constitutes ninety-five percent of
all crime: greed-crime. Incidentally, this brings to mind a pearl of wisdom from a rather highly regarded and widely sold
book: "The lust for money is the root of all evil."
Hate-crime laws also facilitate discrimination, as they
provide ideological prosecutors with a vehicle through which members of groups that are out of favor socially can be hammered
with disproportionate punishment. For a crime isn't a hate-crime until it is judged so, and this judgement often reflects
the prejudices of the arbiters more than it does reality. For instance, if a crime is white on black or straight on homosexual,
it's far more likely that it will be labeled a hate-crime than a scenario involving the reverse.
One example of this is the very different treatment of the
Matthew Sheppard and Jesse Derkhising cases. The quite notorious Sheppard case involved two men who murdered a homosexual,
while the Derkhising case involved two homosexuals who tortured and murdered a 13-year-old boy. However, while the Sheppard
case became a cause célPbre in the effluent-stream media and was labeled a hate-crime, young Derkhising was barely a blip
on the radar screen.
And this brings to light another odious aspect of this topic.
Because the effluent-stream media determine what events and causes will see the light of day and how they will be cast, they're
instrumental in shaping the perception of criminal acts. Yes, the media's biases determine the content and nature of coverage,
and this serves to put pressure on authorities and shape their thinking, and this, in turn, means that those biases will be
reflected in the treatment of crime.
These biases in the media will shape punishment.
But think about it: if one of your loved ones was killed for his money and his murderer received a lesser sentence than someone
who killed motivated by "hate," would you find the relative slap-on-the-wrist palatable because your loved one died for a
politically-correct reason? And, if someone else were in those mournful shoes, would you want to be the one charged with the
task of explaining to him that the lesser punishment was justifiable because the motivation for his loved one's murder was
more "acceptable"? If you would answer no, you cannot in good conscience support these misbegotten laws.
Far more distressing than anything I've mentioned, though,
are the social changes that are both a cause and an effect of the hate-crime philosophy. Remember, laws don't emerge in a
vacuum, rather, they are an expression of the collective values of a society. And pondering this reminds me of an experience
I had earlier this year.
After speaking about so-called racial-profiling at the World
Affairs Conference in Toronto, Canada, I learned that certain elements of my presentation didn't sit too well with a student
in attendance. You see, some representatives of the host institution were kind enough to apprise me of the fact that he found
certain comments of mine "offensive." Although I forged on undeterred with the same speech and approach during the second
session, the fact that sensitivity-police are no longer uncommon should give us all pause for thought.
You see, what does the fact that students would lodge such
complaints mean in terms of social change? Well, I'm not that old, but in "my day" it wasn't uncommon to hear the adage, "Sticks
and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Of course, we all know that sharp words can cut hearts, but this
principle was, nevertheless, a good one to bear in mind. After all, we don't want to raise children who are so thin-skinned
that they can't cope and whose self-image hinges on others' estimation of them. More importantly, however, the saying also
implicitly transmits the message that it's a given that people are free to say what they wish, even if it's not what we wish.
And freedom of speech must be a given if we are to remain a free land.
Ominously, though, that erstwhile ubiquitous old saying
has fallen by the wayside, supplanted by psycho-babble that casts "hate-speech" as the ultimate sin. Mind you, it's not as
if the school officials in question seek merely to root out meanness across the board and encourage civility and charity;
this would be just fine. No, what they are doing is cherry-picking speech from the realms of both illegitimate and
legitimate discourse and earmarking them for demonization. And, of course, the only thing these examples of speech - the good,
the bad and the ugly - have in common is that they're politically-incorrect.
And it has taken hold. I remember some years ago a student
of mine telling me that one shouldn't be allowed to use hateful words. And sadly, his is not an unusual belief among those
weaned on a steady diet of leftist tripe. These youth have been transformed into good, unthinking foot soldiers for the left
and have been conditioned to mistake facile analyses for intellectualism and the embrace of the spirit of the age for sophistication.
They blindly accept the dogma that hate should be criminalized and the dogma that hate is whatever the social-engineers say
it is. And when you have enough such obedient dogmatists and they reach voting age, you no longer have a free nation.
This is why we see our neighbor in the great white north
descending into what can rightly be called fascism. You see, Canada is proceeding down the hate-speech road, and its rather
heavy-handed, euphemistically-named "Human Rights Tribunals" have assiduously been imposing an orthodoxy upon the people.
Case in point: in 2003 Hugh Owens of Regina, Saskatchewan, was found guilty of "inciting hatred" and was forced to pay 1,500
Canadian Dollars to each of three homosexual men who filed a complaint against him. His "crime"? He took out a newspaper advertisement
that included four Bible citations pertaining to homosexuality.
Then there was the 2002 case of Mark Harding, a man who
committed the unpardonable sin of distributing pamphlets in which he was critical of Islam. A Canadian court sentenced Harding
to two years probation and community service under the direction of one Mohammad Ashraf, general secretary of the Islamic
Society of North America. His service involved being indoctrinated with Islamic ideas by Ashraf, who emphasized that if Harding
said anything negative about Islam or its prophet Muhammad or failed to follow Ashraf's instructions, he would be sent back
to prison.
Of course, we are all so sure this could never happen here.
We have our First Amendment guaranteeing us freedom of speech, after all. But with Ginsbergesque Supreme Court Justices embracing
the notion that our Constitution can be interpreted in light of international law, it may just be a matter of time. For, there
are deeds, words and thoughts, and the ultimate goal of any fervent social-engineer is to gain control over the last of those.
Punishing thoughts as expressed through action - otherwise known as hate-crime laws - is the first step. Now all you have
to do is finish the progression; the next logical move is to punish the most direct expression of thoughts: speech. This is
why this pattern of moving toward an Orwellian oblivion should be broken.
Hate-crime laws should be abolished. Hate them, hate them
with a burning fire of a thousand suns. For, to hate them is to love freedom.
© 2005 Selwyn Duke - All Rights Reserved
Judeo-Christian: There is no such
term. This contradictory term was implanted into American terminology by Jews just after world war two. It
was probably done in an attempt to link the two religions together so Jews could hide behind our powerful nation.
Anyway there could not be two religious groups more at odds
with each other than Christians and Jews. Christians believe that Jesus was "The Only Son of God". Jews believe
that he was a fake and blasphemer and had him put to death because of it.
Folks you can't get any more diametrically opposed than that! At
least the Muslims revere Jesus as one of God's Prophets. They also have great respect for Mary, The Mother
of Jesus.
Muslims and Christians lived in peace with each other in the Middle East. Nobody
stirred up any shit until, in 1947, the UN partitioned the area into Jewish and Arab states and ran the Palestinians
out of their homes and gave their land to the Jews. There hasn't been any peace in the Middle East since!
The next time a preacher says that we are Judeo-Christian I'm gonna hit
him in the mouth so hard it'll pop his shoe laces!
Unions: Earlier in the century unions
may have played a productive role in securing better working conditions for the “little guy”. Now, however, because of their demands for higher and higher salaries and benefits for people with little
or no skill, their link to organized crime, and the threatening way that they approach the bargaining table with management,
unions have unwittingly been the driving force behind the exodus of manufacturing in the USA.
A combination of union demands, unreasonable taxation, and government and environmental
regulations have made it all but impossible for businesses in the United States to make the profit they need to survive. Therefore
companies have no alternative but to leave America for a more hospitable business environment. Thanks to NAFTA they can now profit quite nicely by leaving.
The once invincible union alliance is quickly crumbling. Now the Teamsters
(the very name invokes visions of Al Capone and the mob) as well as other smaller less well known groups have split with the
AFLCIO and it doesn’t seem that they can reach a harmonious dialogue.
Hey, they did it to themselves. Unions are a rip off anyway.
Race: Bill Clinton said, (and I
heard him say it, this isn’t second hand) that they were looking forward to the day when there is no majority race in
the United States. I heard the fucker say it.
In order for that to happen the number of white people in the United States has to be reduced. How is not the question that comes to mind, I want to know WHY?
Why would the government want to lower the percentage of whites to other races? If you don’t smell a rat here then you are already dead and they don’t have to worry about
How they are doing it is obvious. The
government is reducing the number of whites by pushing interracial breeding, uncontrolled immigration from Mexico (uhhh,..hello
Bush you asshole), and abortion (which is practiced far more by whites than blacks).
Also by making it so expensive to raise children properly most whites will have only one or two. The replacement birth rate among whites is only 1.25 now. That
is less than what is needed to maintain our numbers much less compete against other races that have birthrates that
can only be described as epidemic.
Unlike blacks on the Welfare system whites have to pay for their children. We pay for ours and then we turn around and pay for theirs too through welfare.
You may thank LBJ and FDR, the two biggest “New Deal” commie pricks ever, for runaway welfare birthrates
and the subsequent escalating crime rate in this country.
A little time perusing world history or contemporary world economics
will enlighten you to the fact that no multicultural nation has ever amounted to shit. Those that push the multicultural lie on us know that as well. The
elimination of the great American middle class is their goal. The middle class
is what gives a “government of the people” its clout. I guess the elites are tired of the competition.
The reality of race mixing is that eventually you will either have a revolt
and people will split along racial or religious lines, or the less attractive alternative, that one race will reign supreme
and the others will slowly die out or be subjugated.
It seems destined that China will be the next great superpower. While
all western (read white) nations adopt suicidal interracial policies China remains Chinese. They pull together because
they are the same. A geographical location alone does not make a nation nor do man-made documents regardless of the
noble intent. A nation must be comprised of something deeper that's born out of generations
of people that have the same blood line, spiritual foundation, and concept of right and wrong. Common bonds form
stong links. Stronge links form strong nations.
Because of the “holy grail” of multiculturalism the United States
has been sentenced to slip quietly into obscurity within the next couple of generations.
The majority race that arises from this cluster fuck that they call the great melting pot will take on the
same problems that their race faces in other parts of the world in which they proliferate.
They will have the same levels of poverty, disease, starvation, filth, and corruption. Nothing will change for
them except their latitude and longitude.
And we are stubbornly sanctimonious as we dig our own graves.
Rush Limbaugh: I used to naively think that Limbaugh was a patriot and a much-needed
media voice for the average American when it came to politics and social issues. As I listened more closely to his shows, however,
he exhibited a strange and consistent characteristic. If anyone, who would normally be considered a "ditto head", would ask
him a question concerning the "Federal Reserve", "Tri-Lateral Commission", or anything about Jews in the media, banking systems,
or government, he would foam at the mouth and accuse them of being "WACKO" conspiracy nuts and anti-semites! That was
the very technique that he regularly accused the left of using against the right. I then began to understand who held
Rush Limbaughs leash.
It didn't take me long to see, after I removed the rose colored glasses, that Rush Limbaugh was not the patriot
he claimed to be. I scolded myself for not realizing earlier that you don't get as big as Rush Limbaugh is
without the blessings of the Zionists that control the media.
difference between men and women voters: The inescapable difference between men and women
cannot be better illustrated than by our voting habits. This is not an iron-clad statement but one of a general
nature including what I believe to be the majority of both sexes.
In general, women will vote to be protected while men will vote to be left alone. Feminists may scream bloody murder
but the fact that "men protect women" is born from the fact that "women want protecting".
Women will therefore vote for laws that make them feel gun control, hate crimes, higher taxes for more law
enforcement, and tighter restrictions on freedom of expression such as calling someone a politically incorrect name
that may hurt their feelings. Basically women are more likely to adhere to political correctness and socialist decrees
than are men.
Men, in general, will not vote for more taxes, nor gun control, and are annoyed, to say the least, at laws
that give special privileges to some and special punishment to others....etc.
Most men don't give a "happy shit" about political correctness. The only men that "act" like they do are trying
to get females to vote them into office so they can steal money from the tax payers, take bribes from criminals, and have
affairs with female interns that will do anything to work for a stinkin' Congressman or Senator.
As far as I am concerned the fact that anyone wants to run for public office automatically disqualifies them for public
service. The fact that they WANT to run should ring an alarm bell with voters that they are up to something
no good. Nobody wants to "serve" the people anymore especially when political benefits available to elected officials
amount to a kings ransom. Plus they get to have everyone kiss their ass, call them "The Honorable", and act like
they're fuckin' royalty.
but I digress...back to the topic.........
The fact that the population is becoming more female explains why laws are getting more restrictive and less like
the original intent of the founders.
Are women voters contributing to the slow death of liberty in America? Hell yeah!
Again, this does not apply to all women for I know many that are ferocious defenders of liberty as some men are
cowering wimps and are bigger pussies than the weakest of women. They, the strong women, are unfortunately a minority
within their gender. Thankfully so are the wimpy men.
Music: Country/Western and Big Band have the
best talent out there. Rock N' Roll is still better than that crap they call rock now days. At least when
I was young singers actually sang. Now they just scream, bang their heads, and worship Satan. And Rap can
only entertain someone with the IQ of a fence post. "Whatadiddy whatadiddy wha-wha-t-what". geez.. That noise is
positively prehistoric. I can just see them jumping up and down around the camp fire now...with their spears held
high in anticipation of the upcoming hunt. Idiots.
Politics: Politicians and
judges that make laws that are contrary to The Constitution or The Bill of RIghts should be disemboweled and fed to rabies infected rats while they are
still alive.
Culture: For Negros that think that turning
your baseball cap sideways is a "black thang" let me remind you that the first person to wear a hat like that was Gomer
Pyle. He only did that to make himself appear STUPID. It worked. It still works.
And you are only "Africa- American" if you were born in Africa
and have become a citizen of the United States of America! Most blacks in this country couldn't find Africa
on a map! Besides Negro isn't the only race in Africa and never has been the only race in Africa!
How 'bout all the Arabs in north Africa? How 'bout the white people in South Africa or the Orientals on the east coast?
If they move to the United States would they not be African-American??? How is it that this black race claims
a whole goddamn continent for itself?!
Homosexuals: If you don't agree with the homosexual agenda it is NOT a
is an opinion! No greater crime exists than to turn innocent children over to sexual degenerates to raise because of
some political agenda. The old saying that "if you tell a lie long enough people will accept it as the truth" is
apparently true in this case.
Homosexual males are nothing more than cowards hiding from their responsibilities as men to be protectors of their people
and fathers to future generations of their race. Hell, when I was young our city had homosexuals too. I think
there were three of 'em.
Lesbians are sometimes women that have had a less than “fairy tale
like” relationship with a man and of course they blame all men for their disappointment.
Others are just too damned ugly to attract male attention. But the majority of “dykeomania” today is purely
political. Male-hating feminists preach that "to have any relationship with a man can
only lead to oppression of the woman". Therefore the only acceptable relationship, according to the male-haters, is
one without a male.....hence a lesbian one.
Fed by their hatred of men, certain
groups of women seek to establish a matriarchy-like system of government in the United States as well as other western civilizations
for two main reasons: First, they think that they can run you life better than
men can, and second, western civilization is the only culture that allows women to open their big mouths and participate equally
in government.
Try that feminist shit in China or Africa and see what you get for your efforts. Talk about biting the hand that feeds
you. Ungrateful bitches.
If left to the natural course of things very few people would be attracted to homosexuality. Perhaps some of the
mentally retarded, but normal people cannot truthfully tell you that they are homosexuals. They may practice homosexual
behavior for some convoluted reason but they weren't born like that. No one is. You are either born with or without
a penis...period. Where you stick it is a choice you make.
Homosexuality is a political agenda (not a fuckin' civil right!!!) that is being force fed to a
morally corrupt society and taught to clueless children in schools. Homosexuals can't reproduce homosexuals so
they need to recruit. Schools that teach such things to children should be burned to the ground by the parents!
It is a sad day indeed when the most powerful lobby in the Democratic Party is based on one
man sucking another man's dick! Pardon my frankness here but it's true!
The next step in their perverted agenda is legalized sex with children. There is an organization dedicated to this
cause and the name of the organization is NAMBLA. That stands for the "North American Man Boy Love Association",
Look it up if you don't believe me. Canada is moving to legalize sex with children as you read this.
Canadians are nothing more than a cross between French and English anyway... the two weakest and most worthless countries
on earth. Even the Mexicans wouldn't put up with that bs.
At least we can take solace in the fact that the average life span of a homosexual male is relatively short. AIDS
has it's good points.
Abortion: Abortion is murder. You can call it "choice" if that helps you sleep
at night. It is also, along with homosexuality, a form of self-imposed population control. Abortion slows
down the birth rate and homosexuals generally don't breed, die young, and depend on the government to force people into acceptance(which
the government loves). These movements are not freedom oriented but are part of the global population control measures
inflicted upon us by the UN.
And anybody stupid enough to go to Planned Parenthood for help deserves to be haunted with dreams about the
un-born child they butchered until they are put in the ground too. If there is indeed life after death then mothers that
abort their babies will have some serious explaining to do to those children when they pass over....or under
Religion: If you have
a problem with God then you have a problem with me too. As far as the ACLU (American Communist League Undercover), death
is too good for them. My idea of a fun day would include an ACLU lawyer, some razor blades, alcohol, and duct tape.
Use your imagination.
Our Government: We should never forget Waco and Ruby Ridge. Examples
of what a government is capable of doing to the people. Like em or not they were Americans that were set up and then
slaughtered by their government.
Franklin D. Roosevelt knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming and let it happen to get America into the Pacific
war. So if you think that government is not capable of committing atrocities against it's own citizens....think again.
Makes you wonder about 911...ya know.
and don't even get me started about Viet Nam........
Don't ever trust the government!