Big surprise.
The CEO of VeriChip (known to Christians as “The Mark of The Beast”) is a Jew.
Scott Silverman, chief executive officer of Applied Digital,
said that Thompson, who campaigned heavily for electronic medical records and healthcare technology both as governor and HHS
secretary, is an ideal supporter for VeriChip. His support will be especially helpful as VeriChip looks to the future, trying
to develop a wider database of healthcare information.
"For many years he has been a leader in quality of healthcare
… and he sees this product as a useful device for a database in the future," Silverman said.
VeriChip, a subsidiary
of Applied Digital headquartered in Florida, estimates that almost 2,000 of its chips already have been installed in humans
for healthcare or security purposes, with up to 50 of those being in the U.S.
The company manufactures
passive RFID tags which store a unique 16-digit identification number that provides access to a user's healthcare records.
The tags are about the size of a grain of rice and in human users are injected into the fatty tissue of the tricep muscle.(You just "KNOW" it's for your healtcare!)
Silverman said the firm began using
implantable RFID technology as an advanced version of the ear tags used on livestock. The chips are implanted into cattle
so farmers can determine which cattle are theirs. The chips also have been used to identify pets at animal shelters.
can scan the animal's neck and it tells you who the owner is … it takes it from the visual line of sight into the electronic
sight," Silverman said.
Since its inception the program has been tested in hospitals in Mexico and Italy, and VeriChip
estimates that of 7,000 chips sold worldwide, which includes the 2,000 that have been injected for healthcare or security
reasons. The tags have also expanded into areas outside of healthcare, such as nightclubs in Barcelona and Glasgow that automatically
charge a user's bar tab.
The tags have encountered several objections. Some civil libertarians believe the technology
can be abused by major corporations and government branches to track specific people's actions, while some religious groups
have raised objections.
Silverman said the company is not trying to force the chips onto
any users (YEA RIGHT), and any patient that does not want
the implant doesn't have to have it (FOR NOW). He said the database of information Applied
Digital maintains is highly secure - only accessible to the patient and the physicians (and the government,
and the insurance people, and the financial institutions, and the credit card companies, and law enforcement, and the ADL,
ACLU, NAACP, Mafia, and anyone else involved in their treason) - and they
are engaged in discussions with health professionals to make sure all programs fit into society.