Something fishy about 911.
Just google "Terrorstorm". A two hour video will chill
your bones.
no-bullshit version)
site has a wealth of information on many subjects including 911
Look, steel does not melt from kerosene (jet fuel)
Buildings do not collapse straight down unless
they are demolished with extreme precision that requires blueprints, weeks of planning, and precise explosive placement.
Larry Silverstein (who owned the lease
on the twin towers) ADMITTED that he ordered the NY city fire
chief to PULL (or demolish ) the buildings. HE ADMITTED IT on TV! How many of you have seen that?
Firefighters heard and saw explosives being detonated
in the twin towers. (And that too is documented ON FILM by two French brothers that happen to be in New York
doing a documentary on New York fire fighters at the time.) Infowars....before you ask where.
And this is the kicker:
buildings collapsed not TWO. That third building (referred to as building
7) wasn't even hit by a plane and only had a couple of small fires of no consequence,... and it was about two blocks
wide! It collapsed in it's footprint TOO! You didn't hear SHIT about that though did you?
Also, for the first time in HISTORY a
vice president (Dickey boy) took charge of the AIR DEFENSE of this nation (NORAD) and ordered them to "STAND DOWN"
while the attacks were taking place! This is a matter of RECORD! Dickey boy said he thought that the
attacks were practice runs by the government. Yeah right, and I was Mother Teresa's spiritual advisor.
Not to mention things like...where are the planes that
hit the Pentagon and crashed in Pennsylvania? Where are PARTS of the planes?
Bodies? Baggage? ANYTHING? There was
The hole in the side of the Pentagon wasn't large enough
to drive a mini-van through,..much less a 757.
A local news agency covered the crash in Pennsylvania and aired it before
the FBI could close the area off. They had a news chopper flying around taking pictures and a news agent on
the ground. All they found was a hole and some paper. No parts, no bodies, no nothing.
The news agent even commented that there was nothing that would indicate that a plane had gone down in
this area.
That's because planes didn't hit the pentagon nor
did one crash in Pennsylvania. Rockets were launched into the the
Pentagon and into the ground in Pennsylvania.
One question. If a hugh
passenger plane crashes into the ground, shouldn't there be a lot of shit scattered all over the place???
Folks, even liberal democrats should be able to understand,
that it takes WEEKS of preparation to demolish buildings and big airplanes leave big messes when they crash. Bush and his one worlders had this planned for weeks prior to 911 (just to get us in a Middle East
war). How the hell did they know 911 was going to happen unless they did it themselves?
There is just TOO MUCH evidence for me to attempt to document
here. Google "Infowars". Alex
Jones has all the evidence that any person could possibly require to force them to admit the truth. Shit this kind of stuff is enough to make you lose hope. If
America is really stupid enough to buy the status quo's version of 911 we are fucked already.
Let's talk a little more about it as well as some peripheral issues:
If indeed it was Osama that engineered the 911 attacks then why did we forget him and decide to
go to Iraq? Maybe the Muslims flew the planes into the towers and maybe they didn’t.
With the technology available to the government today they can fabricate any scenario that they want to sell to America
and simply flood the airwaves with it. Since they control the media you only know what they tell you.
Not everyone is buying the government’s
suspicious and ever-changing motives however.....
I have always thought that we are fighting in the Middle East because of our foreign policy toward
Israel. Muslims hate us because we arm Israel against them. Israel has great influence in our government, media,
and financial institutions. They get what they want.
shows us that Israel in NO FRIEND to America.
(To understand
what Jews REALLY think of white people, Christians, and Europeans in general, read this article:
fact Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 knowing full well it was an American vessel in international waters. They did
it because the Liberty intercepted information that contridicted Israels claim that Egypt started the war (between
Egypt and Israel) and proved that it was Israel that struck the first blow!
Americans lost their lives in the cowardly attack by Israel and Washington, of course, covered it up. Go to the below
site for the truth about the attack. (survivors site of the attack)
(That is only one example
of Israel attacking the USA....there are others.)
IIsrael still plays that old stale "poor
oppressed Jew" shtick with it's hand out for American aid and then uses that money to bribe our politicians (like
Bush) to place Zionists interests above the interests of Americans.
The Muslims
hate us because they see us as slaves of Israel working for the sworn enemy of Islam.
That's the real reason we are at odds with the Muslim people. Ask any Muslim why they hate us. You
will get a lot more truth from them than you will from CNN.
is no doubt in my mind that we are in the Middle East to eliminate the enemies of Israel. This
war has nothing to do with 911 anymore. That was just an excuse to get over there.
out Iran! You're next.
Read the article linked below.
If after reading it you still think that we are fighting Muslims because they hate our are hopeless.
Kevin Barrett
Citizens' Arrest in the Works? - 9/11 Terror Suspect
Sun Oct 9, 2005 14:03;article=93247;title=APF
9/11 Terror Suspect to Speak at U.W.-Milwaukee
Arrest in the Works?
The head of the terrorist organization suspected of planning the attacks
of September 11th,
2001 will be speaking at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee this Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 p.m., risking a
arrest for 9/11 crimes against humanity. The terrorist chief
will also be verbally pilloried by outraged citizens on the
Ben Merens
show Monday at 3 p.m. on Wisconsin Public Radio:
The speaker, Gary Schmitt, is the Executive Director of the Project for a
New American
Century (PNAC), a radical rightwing think tank that called
for a "New Pearl Harbor" in September, 2000--and got one on
September 11th, 2001.
In its document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" published in
September 2000, PNAC called
for massive military budget increases, a policy of
pre-emptive war including using Saddam Hussein as an excuse to invade
Iraqi oil fields, and stepped-up intervention around the world and
especially in the Middle East--but noted that
these goals would be
extremely difficult to accomplish with alacrity "absent some galvanizing
event like a
new Pearl Harbor."
When PNAC members and associates including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, and
Wolfowitz took
power in January 2000, they immediately committed to an
invasion of Iraq--an invasion that would have been not only politically
but literally unthinkable without 9/11, which too-conveniently
arrived eight months later. According to former Treasury
Secretary Paul
O'Neill, the Bush Administration was so obsessed with its planned Iraq
invasion from the moment it took
power in January, 2000, that they had no
time for any other issues. Then in July, 2001, after the Taliban pipeline
fell through, they committed to invading Afghanistan in the
fall--which also would have been impossible without 9/11.
growing list of ex-administration officials, historians, philosophers,
politicians and others have been calling attention
to the overwhelming
evidence that 9/11 was an inside job--that the US Air Force stood down,
the Twin Towers and WTC-7
were destroyed in controlled demolitions, the
"hijackers" (who are not even Muslim, much less extremists) are
alive, the story of the Pentagon strike is ludicrous, flight 93 was shot
down and the "heroic passengers say let's roll"
story is a myth, many
FBI agents had specific foreknowledge of the date and target of the attacks
months in advance,
the alleged Commander-in-Chief was left in a
pre-announced location for more than an hour during an alleged surprise
while thousands of potentially hijacked planes were still in the
skies...the list of prima facie smoking guns is too long
to list here,
and not one of them has yet been refuted by anyone, least of all the 9/11
Coverup Commission led by neocon
Bush associate Philip Zelikow. (For an
irrefutable debunking of the 9/11 Commission Report, see David Griffin's
9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.)
Prominent Americans who have called 9/11 a probable inside job
former Republican cabinet members Catherine Austin Fitts, Morgan
Reynolds, and Paul Craig Roberts; historical
writer and essayist Gore Vidal; and
noted philosopher-theologian David Griffin. Among the many other
supporters of the
9/11 truth movement are: Ralph Nader, David Cobb, Rabbi
Michael Lerner, Ray McGovern, Jim Hightower, Howard Zinn, the Green
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, British ex-Environment Minister Michael Meecher, and the late Senator Paul Wellstone. The
must-see three-part BBC Documentary, "The Power of Nightmares," puts it bluntly:
"Al-Qaeda is a (neocon) myth."See:,12780,1327904,00.html