Political Motivation
The unspoken but classic truth about political
movements is that they are all driven by one, or more, of only three basic elements...
Of course power and money are almost synonyms in
the real world, so just substitute one for the other and I defy anyone to name one piece of contemporary political legislation
that not been crafted with at least one of these elements in the "crosshairs".
It should come as no surprise that two of
these three elements, race and religion, are not allowed in the debate of politics
from a white perspective, which causes concerned dissenters to fashion their case against the "policy in question" based on
the assumed greed or personal ambition of the authoring legislators alone.
In other words, if someone came up with a
bill that would dilute the political influence of white people in this country, then
those that oppose such a bill (no doubt based on a gut feeling) would have to fashion a defense based on "who stands to makes
a profit".....which in this case, would be inaccurate and would not lead to a credible argument. Therefore the opposition would be based on evidence that doesn't exist and the case is lost before it begins.
The fact that so many people are still willing to
accept the governments premise for political agendas, that are always awash with
noble and honorable platitudes, is a testament to the arrogant gullibility of the average American. Especially considering the colossal amount of evidence validating the list of past "whoppers" proffered
to us by our sincere and dedicated public servants. In fact, I can't recall one instance where the government told
the people the truth about anything.
If people
were allowed to consider the possible "forbidden" motivations of race and religion behind proposed laws then it would be easier
to identify those pushing the legislation, and from where I stand, the enemy. This
of course must never be allowed, therefore the POLITICAL CORRECTNESS barrier has been erected to prevent us from asking relevant
questions about the looming death of our Constitutional republic... which displays all of the gruesome characteristics of
"assisted suicide".
I ask you to consider political mandates such
as, hate crimes...that targets whites, affirmative action...that targets whites, illegal non-white immigration supported by
the government, the federal push for a bi-lingual nation, the consistent reference to the KKK (an organization that has not
existed in recognizable numbers in over 50 years) or racism, the promotion of
interracial breeding by every major media outlet in the country, the per capita numbers of white babies aborted compared to
other races, the halt of almost all European immigration to this country, the attempts to confiscate assets from the workers
(who are majority white) to give to non-workers (who are majority non-white), JUST TO MENTION A FEW concerns.
I wanted to present a case against such legal treachery, the closing statement of my opening argument would have to assert
that the reason that this type of legislation exists is to decimate the white race! Hell,
that's what the end result will obviously be so why are we not allowed to assume that was the intent?
The only way that the government could get away
with shit like that is due to decades of conditioning convincing people to acknowledge and support principles that endanger
their own existence. They used to
call that brainwashing. Now it's called higher education.
There has not, that I can remember, ever been a political proposal that, as its main purpose, was designed to make people LESS dependent on
government in any way. We merely swap one lord and master for another that talks
more like we feel.....or more like we have been "trained" to believe that we feel.
For forty years we have complained that the Feds
don't follow the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Well, they don't. They do however follow rules. These rules don't seem to be
available for public scrutiny but I have been able to recognize a few rules that politicians appear to strictly adhere to
and I thought that I would share them with you. This did not occur as some personal epiphany as I have been watching these bastards set us up for longer than I care to
rules are said in somewhat aggravated jest, but if I were to make a set of rules
that would help me hide unscrupulous political motivations from the voters, these
would do nicely.
Rule of Government---NEVER tell the voters what you are really doing. Lie
to them about some principled motive behind your plan that would, if left to its own merits, be regarded as sedition or at
the very least a crime against humanity.
Rule of Government---NEVER let the voters come together in a common cause. Keep
them fighting and mistrusting each other so that they can't unit and challenge your authority.
Rule of Government---Disregard any oath or pledge that you may have to take for the sake of appearances. An oath or pledge, by its very nature, is an obligation that
may not be feasible in the future.
Rule of Government---There are no laws except the ones that you create. And
those laws are only flexible guidelines that can be altered or eliminated for any reason that the government deems necessary.
Rule of Government- --All wealth belongs to the government. If you question
or protest that incontrovertible commandment then the government has the right to take your possessions..... or kill you.....or
These are ,of course, only a few that I have been
able to identify. I'm sure that they have many more rules cataloged in some library...in
some ADL lawyers office ...somewhere. I mean after all it took them over 1000
pages to come up with a plan to save your life by taking away your health care. So
it wouldn't surprise me to find a covert collection of government rules that would dwarf the library of Congress.
No matter how they dress it up though, the
current political direction still spells death for our European culture and the model for limited government that was born
from that culture. You can call
it diversity, equality, tolerance, or any number of saintly metaphors that will make you want to stand and start mumbling
what little you know of the words to the "Star Spangled Banner", but when you look at the political motivation behind the
movement, it's all about RACE.
It's too bad that whites are not allowed to even
consider the "R" word. We could save ourselves a lot of future agony.