Lutheran Church
By a vote of 559 to 451, delegates to the denomination’s national assembly in Minneapolis approved a resolution
declaring that the church would find a way for people in “publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships”
to serve as official ministers. (The church already allows celibate gay men and lesbians to become members of the clergy.)
This organization may be many things
but a Christian Church is not one of them. Now they allow practicing homosexuals
to become ministers. What is next? Will
they allow practicing pedophiles, rapists, or those that get their cookies off with bestiality to stand before their congregation
and preach the Word of God? Maybe they can entice Barney Frank to become Christian
The issue here is sin. Everyone is a sinner, ministers and priests too. We all know
that. Committing a sin is one thing, living in sin is another. To allow a non-repenting sinner to wear the frock of a Christian minister is a sad testimony to how the
Lutherans view The Word of God.
They can raise their hands, holler
hallelujah, and freak out pretending to speak in tongues all they want but when you allow the foundations of your faith to
be twisted to such a degree that it demonstrates your absolute rejection of everything that you say you believe in, then my
friends you are hopeless.
Can you just picture a Lutheran
minister running home after service to drag his boyfriend to bed and......excuse me, I think I'm going to "ralph". C'mon! It's TRUE! Filthy, self-abasing hypocrites.
A simple solution would be to find
a different church, wouldn't you think? How hard is that? Walk! Leave the Lutheran church! Take your money with you! Why try to hang on to what's become
nothing more than a social club? A
deranged social club. What the hell are the true Christians in the Lutheran "free
love" society waiting for?
Lutheran church service in this country should have about as much appeal to Christians as a Hillary Clinton Tupperware party.
If the true believers in the Lutheran church (hell there must be a
couple) don't leave then they will be promoting a hideous sin ("Thou shalt not lay with another man as a woman for that is
an abomination in the eyes of God, and the wages of sin is death." Leviticus 20-13) and
they willingly become part of the movement to remove The Word of God from mankind and separate us from our Maker. I doubt if God will overlook that.
Christians have always known that Satan will have a church that will compete with Gods church for the souls
of men as the power of the anti-Christ rises.
Welcome to Armageddon.