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Those that question obama's birth place


(The politicians wish this issue to die a quite death.  Don't let it.)

Everyone in the Congress and Senate knows that obama was not born in this country.  The fact that they avoid the truth like it was an invitation to a Barney Frank slumber party proves to me that The Constitution is already dead.  The Republicans pretend to struggle against the democrats for the sake of the struggle itself ignoring the fact that their very existence as a governing body is due to the Constitution that they refuse to invoke.

I believe that members of the Congress and Senate are afraid to force the birth place issue for two reasons.  The first reason is obvious.  The Communist press in this country would go berserk with charges of racism against anyone who would dare question obama's honor.  The second, and more ominous  reason is that they know that the same people that pulled 911 placed obama in the White House and to push the issue of eligibility would be their own death sentence, literally. 

Those power brokers that select the presidential candidates that we are ALLOWED to vote for were behind JFK's assassination, the Oklahoma city bombing, Waco, and 911...among other less publicized attacks on citizens.  These people play for keeps and to dispose of a mere Congressman or Senator would be a simple matter.  This country has been under Constitutional assault for many decades but it has only become obvious to the average distracted, sex-obsessed , sports fanatic  because they are trying to close the trap NOW, while their window of opportunity exists, and they are moving too fast.   

The American people must NEVER let this issue rest.  It is the Achilles heel that we have been looking for. 

You must bring up this point in EVERY communication that you have with your every E-mail,...every letter,.....every phone call,....every town meeting,.....every letter to the editor of newspapers,.....every political conversation that you have,...EVERY chance that you get you MUST continue to include this topic.  The future of this country is hanging by a thread now and only the tenacious and unrelenting demands from a desperate people can give our nation the time it needs to weather this assault.     

Birthers, like other patriots must be willing to endure scandalous ridicule and slander from the enemy who controls the press.  You must be able to look Satanic bastards like Barney Frank in the eyes and let him see the fearless patriot seething within.   Glare at them with the defiance of our founders and watch the sweat roll down their faces.  Listen to their lying voices stutter and whimper as they look for the closest exit.    

If we should emerge from this invasion a free people, then we deserve to take our place beside the other great American generations that refused to kneel.

Below is a link to the "We the People Foundation" home page.  Here you will SEE what the problem with obama's birth certificate is.  Don't listen to the bullshit you are being fed by these traitors.  See for yourself!

To be called a Birther by the enemy is a "Badge of Honor" to me.