My Soapbox

2010 Census
A History Lesson
American Divorce Agreement
2010 Census
Flag? What flag?
What's In a Name
Political Motivation
Liberals and Conservatives
Ted Kennedy
The Real Reason behind Multiculturalism
Black Preacher Speaks OUT!
This is Health Care?
Social Security History Lesson
2nd American Revolution
Christmas Grinch!
The South
My Opinions page 1
My Opinions page 2
Question of the Day
Liberal Meanings for Words and Phrases
Mark of The Beast
Crime Stats
"Why We Fight" by Congressman Ron Paul
Better party while they can

Don't answer your doors for the Census.  Leave your house if you see them in the area.  If you let them in you are screwed!

Make them come back over and over and over. 
You watch.  They will return with a COP!  A cop to get you to let them inside your home.  Make them run the cops ragged.  Tell everyone that gives a damn not to answer the door for the Census.  
If they do get to you, LIE!   Lie about your guns.  They don't have the lawful right to know about your guns....or anything else you have either.

In 2010 it will begin with the census. They will ask intrusive questions about your whole life including your firearms....WHERE do you keep them?  What are the serial numbers?  Make, model, how much ammunition do you have?  Are they licensed? And NOW you are compelled to answer under penalty of LAW.  There is a $5000.00 fine and prison time if you don't answer.  They want to know WHERE your guns are and HOW MANY you have!.  That's the main goal of the census this time around.  

Sara Brady of Handgun Control Inc. said that they can't have the socialist society that they want until they take the guns away from those that may oppose it.  There you have it.


If they do corner me, they will get a pack of lies that would make Bill Clinton envious.