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Better party while they can

Taboo Topics Page 1



I believe that the soul can be poisoned.  Once the soul is poisoned the body begins to weaken and wither. The desire for things that nuture and strengthen the body and spirit dies and only a lust for the deadly addiction itself remains.  The takeover of your will is sinister and gradual.  It never lets you fulfill your lust but beckons you farther and farther away from sainity and good judgement and it eventually permeates your every thought.


I have always felt that the porn industry exists not only for profit but for a higher purpose….or lower purpose if you will.


The porno racket is media.  The porn media is controlled by the same rotten fuckers that control the major media.  Read the excerpt below.  I think that you will get the picture of what we are dealing with in this country.


Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw magazine, said (on, ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged …

No society should allow this cancer to exist.

Every porn store in this country should be burned to the ground in the middle of the night.


Sex Change Operations:


I can’t think of anything that illustrates more clearly how pathetic our culture has become than this topic. This is the ultimate emasculation of Western man.


Firstly, the name “Sex Change” is a misnomer.  No doctor can CHANGE your sex.  They can only remove your organs.  They cannot give a man the internal structure of a woman with the physical capabilities of giving birth, as well as the other numerous physiological differences that exist between the sexes, not to mention the emotional disparity and nature driven urge to give birth. (And don’t start your complaining.  You know damn well that all women have that urge to some degree.  Catholics more than others maybe.)


Any man that thinks that he can become a woman by cutting off his genitals and pumping hormones into his veins is beyond redemption.  Cutting off his penis no more makes him a woman than some dyke strapping on a dildo makes her a man.


A woman is a lot more than, simply, a man without a penis.  Hell, men lose their sex organs in accidents everyday.  That does not make them a woman. Women should be raising hell about this subject because it is the ultimate insult to their gender!


Of course we know why they don’t holler about it.  It’s because this is the final victory over manhood that the sick-o feminists desire so much, and we all know that the feminist movement tells women when they should feel insulted or not. 


It’s kinda like Jesse Jackson telling black people when they are being oppressed.  As though they couldn’t figure it out on their own..geez...what am I saying....of course they can't.  (You have found your nitch JJ.  Milk it for all it's worth.)


Some doctors are even trying to figure out how they can implant a fetus into a male body so that the man carries the baby instead of the woman.  It’s true!  It’s insanity.


Some men leave their wife and children, have their sex removal operation, and then come back into their children’s lives again as a non-man dressed in women’s clothes, lipstick………egad.....I need an Alka-Seltzer. 


I can only imagine what is going on in the minds of the children when mommy introduces this "thing" to them that used to be their father. How utterly pathetic. 


White men you have sunk to the bottom of the human ladder...congrats you deranged retards.  You deserve to become extinct.  Can you imagine trying to explain a sex change operation to George Washington, or Jefferson, or even that slime ball Lincoln?


It just shows us how low humanity can sink if given the opportunity. 


Homosexual Marriage:


The whole point of marriage is to have children and raise them in a stable and safe environment.  I know people will argue that not all women can give birth or that some people marry for companionship and on and on and on.  But the indisputable reason that the institution of marriage was adopted by humanity was to prepare the next generation to carry on. 


You can have companionship without getting married.  There is absolutely no reason that homosexuals need to marry each other.  There is no point to their relationships other than the addiction to the unnatural lust that pervades their pitiful existence anyway.  The promiscuous lifestyles of homosexuals make lasting relationships an impossibility even if they were logical, useful, or constructive,...which they are not, not, and not. 


Love cannot exist between two homosexuals to the same degree that it can between a man and woman.  When they tell you that it does they are simply lying to further their political cause.  People do that you know. 


Do you remember when they tried to sell us that old "gay gene" crap?  They figured that if they could get you to believe that they were born like that, that you wouldn't be able to object to their perversion.  Unfortunately for them science said...."uhhhh NOT".


The idea of homosexuals marrying is being portrayed as a harmless thing and a right that all people should have.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.


If homosexual marriage is accepted then courts will only escalate their drive to give innocent and defenseless children to homosexual couples (or groups) to adopt.


As long as I can remember Christianity has describe evil as “that which seeks to prey upon the innocent”.  Adhering to that belief I can only call it as I see it.  Homosexual adoption places innocent children in harms way by giving them to sexual perverts and causes these children to live with fear, shame, and humiliation.  In other words mental abuse. (if not sexual abuse)


Do you know whay you hear so much about priests molesting alter boys and Boy Scout Leaders molesting Boy Scouts, etc...?  It's because homosexual men are sexually attracted to young boys!!!!  HELLO?!


Homosexual marriage will also demean the important role of marriage in our culture and eventually destroy it forever.


Heterosexual families are the foundation of Western society.  The goal of the homosexual marriage movement is “weakening the underpinnings of our country” not the right to marry.


I can just hear it now…."ohhhh this is my wife Floyd”. (Muu...HARHARHAR!!!)


If this move for same-sex marriage is accepted then what is next?  Perhaps you could marry your cousin, uncle, mother, or even brother? How ‘bout marrying groups of people?  Why not marry your whole goddamn bowling team?


Let’s just move to the logical conclusion of this madness and make a law that allows you to marry anything that you want.  Perhaps there is a family pet you are especially fond of, or maybe you have a favorite piece of furniture....


It’s enough to make you "ralph"........eeeeasy stomach........     





God have mercy on us for the sake of those that believe in You.......