My Soapbox

What's In a Name
A History Lesson
American Divorce Agreement
2010 Census
Flag? What flag?
What's In a Name
Political Motivation
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Ted Kennedy
The Real Reason behind Multiculturalism
Black Preacher Speaks OUT!
This is Health Care?
Social Security History Lesson
2nd American Revolution
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My Opinions page 1
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Question of the Day
Liberal Meanings for Words and Phrases
Mark of The Beast
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"Why We Fight" by Congressman Ron Paul
Better party while they can

I think it was Rush Limbaugh that coined the phrase "words mean things".  Indeed they do....but what?

What's In A Name

For some time the State of Louisiana had laws against gambling.  A popular politician who was elected an insane 4 times to the governors' mansion, and who had ties to the gambling industry, wanted to bring gambling to his state.  Since the state outlawed gambling he and his band of graduates from the "Al Capone School of Business" simply changed the name of gambling  to "gaming"  which made everything  hunky dory with the state legislature and gambling swept into the state literally overnight.  Gambling has been there ever since feeding off participants like a 10 pound tick at a dog show.

All that was required was a simple name change to make what was once illegal and intolerable into a harmless pastime complete with television advertising and a family atmosphere.

 Giving a sugar coated label to a vile atrocity is nothing more than emotional preconditioning  in preparation for the upcoming political push.   Many of the social revisionists politically correct terms for debauchery should be familiar to most people,  although far too few folks recognize it for the powerful political tool it really is.

Allow me to jog the left (logical) side of your brain for a while:

 Choice.  Sounds good!  No, sounds GREAT, especially in the "land of the free" where our right to choose is the foundation for all that we hold dear.  Now... the word "abortion" strikes quite another chord with our heartstrings because it conjures up images of babies being cut out of their mothers' womb and thrown into garbage cans.  Proponents of abortion avoid that term at all cost.  In fact the term "choice" is the main weapon in their arsenal.  The emotional repulsion for what the word "abortion" really stands for would mean a tough uphill battle for their cause....whatever the hell that is.

How about this one.....Gay?  That used to mean bright and cheery.  Now it means two people of the same sex trying to breed with one another.   I cannot think of a more bizarre twist of the English language than that.  If they would attempt to pass laws promoting "homosexuality" it would not be nearly well received enough to garner the needed support.  They call it GAY and everyone focuses on the word instead of the act that the word is representing. 

Sodomy used to be against the law in this country.  Now it's a prerequisite for a Congressional seat in some areas.  A simple name change that is hammered and hammered into our minds relentlessly by the government controlled media is responsible for turning abhorrent sexual perversion into an attribute worthy of St. Peter himself.  I could go on all day about this one but I tend to get a little queasy if I focus on it too much.

Here's a biggie.....DIVERSITY.  That may make you think of Ellis Island and all of the happy little European immigrants waiting in line to be piped aboard the ferry to New York so they could start learning English and get a job pursuing the American dream.  Of course let's do our best to avoid the realities of the current immigration situation in America.  I doubt if any liberal would care to do a side by side study comparing the positive and negative consequences of the European immigration of many years ago and the non-white immigration of today.

The only thing that these two events have in common is that they are both referred to as immigration.  Their impacts on this nation are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. ( That's opposite for you Obama apostles )

The European immigrants came and learned the language.  They did not demand that we provide Polish literature in our schools and make it a second language.  They all came seeking jobs not hand outs.  They flew the American flag not the Italian flag.  They swore an oath to this country not an oath to overthrow it.   They didn't demand special laws and privileges they only asked for opportunity.  

Immigration, like anything else, can be good or bad.  It should not automatically be awarded saintly status because someone once called this country "the great melting pot".  Anyway this is more like invasion than immigration. 

And what in depth bi-partisan study concluded that "Diversity is our Strength" anyway?   It's never been a strength before.  In fact it has been the main factor in the death of many nations.  Never once has it made a nation stronger or better.  If diversity is such a strength then why haven't the strongest nations emerged from a smorgasbord of races and religions?  How about just one then?  No? Not even one? 

Because the truth is quite the opposite.  The only nations that every amounted to anything worthy of historical recognition were made up of people of the same race.   I'll bet if you could trace the source of that preposterous declaration about "diversity being our strength" it would lead right back to the office of some Zionist ACLU lawyer who has already died from AIDS. 

Diversity is sure death to this country.  You can hear the breathing of our nation begin to labor and slow now if you are listening.  Of course I have brought that point out before, so even though this diversity shit is reaching "critical mass" in this country I will leave it at that.

That's a few current examples of image management by name...if you will .  How about another sickening confrontation that is skulking just over the political horizon waiting for the liberal bugle boy to sound the CHARGE fanfare.

I wonder what sweet sounding, flag waving handle they will give to the current movement to allow adult homosexuals to have sex with children?  Didn't know about that did you?  NAMBLA.  Look it up.

Oh America will never accept that right?  Bullshit.  If America accepts homosexuality, interracial marriage,  and abortion, all that is required to get it to accept pedophilia is a cute name and a couple of commercials.  And then of course Barney Frank will introduce legislation to include child rapists in the hate crimes protection list.

After a while, with enough conditioning,  you won't "allow yourself" to admit the revulsion you feel when you see a 40 year old man squeezing a 10 year old boys' crotch in a  parking lot outside of one the new wave of child molester social clubs that will no doubt start springing up when pedophilia laws are repelled.    

The point is that words are the weapons of the left and the government in general.  Anytime the government comes up with a harmless or noble sounding name for a piece of legislation prepare yourself to be stupefied yet again.

In pending hate crimes legislation they are targeting words as crimes.  The government will use this legislation to identify  people that use words in a harmful manner.  We used to say that "it takes one to know one".   I guess that still applies....ya know?.


If Hitler would have called his death camps "Institutions for Cultural Management" he probably wouldn't have received all the bad press.