This is too damn serious for me to make fun of.
Barry Soetoro. Who's that? Your illegal muslim president
Think I'm kidding? Go here
and here http://educateyourself.org/cn/orlytaitzletter24feb09.shtml
My first comment is on Obummer. He has not proven that he was even born in the United States, he has
an anti-white racist background with indisputable evidence from his own books and a 20 year relationship with a nationally
recognized racist preacher, he has never had a job, he is an obvious Communist, he refused to say "The Pledge of Allegiance",
he refused to even face the flag ON TV, he has snubbed our military, he has said that he would side with Muslims over Christian
America if necessary (again from his own books), he has had the balls to say that our 90% Christian country is not Christian,
and finally he has tried to destroy our economy and Constitution in the first month of his administration!
For those of you that can't tear yourselves away from American Idol long enough to wave goodbye to your country,
this is an "incomplete" list of the treachery that "that thing" in the White House has committed against our nation and people:
Control through Crisis
Congress and Obama have used and will continue to use the current (mostly manufactured)
to affect government takeover of our country at all levels. Current crises include:
- global warming
home mortgages
- financial
- automobile industry
- health care
- education
- discrimination
- right wing
extremism (terrorism)
- immigration
- natural resources
- anything else they think can be used to gain more control
and power
Obama has put a open homosexual in the second highest position with the Dept. of Education
his main responsibility: safety (in this case, of homosexual students) in our nation's schools
- Kevin Jennings
- founder of the homosexual activist group GLSEN, which promotes homosexual clubs in high schools, middle schools and grade
- driving force behind the annual "Day of Silence" celebration of homosexuality in many districts
- policies will affect curriculum, teacher training, student activities/observances
- This will push homosexual
endoctrination down the nation's throat just as it has happened in California
Legislation - "The Clean Water Restoration Act" (S. 787)
- seeks to require a federal permit for just
about any activity that could affect virtually any body of water
- would put under federal jurisdiction virtually anywhere
water collects, including mudflats, sandflats, prairie potholes, roadside ditches and backyard ponds
Nationalized health care is just around the corner
In a couple of years, your health care will:
have to be reviewed/approved by a bureaucratic committee before any treatment is authorized
- be rationed as doctors and
facilities become resources managed by the government
- become much slower due to more demand and less resources to meet
the demand
- become more likely to be denied depending upon your health, age, usefulness, etc.
"Fairness Doctine"
- The FCC is now stacked with/led by Obama selections
- A committee has also
been established to examine radio community standards rules
- This 30 member committee has no conservative
representation at all
- The radio industry has community standard rulew
- If radio stations are found not
to meet these rules, their license can be pulled
- Local advisory boards are planned to include members of
the "underserved community segments"
- If they complain, a station could be shut down
- Example:
What if a Christian station's advisory board decides that its programming should be more "inclusive"?
This only applies
to radio, no other medium.
Hate crimes legislation is almost a reality
- The Senate is holding hearings on it
- This is really
hate thought as it requires the judge/jury to determine the thoughts of the defendant
- It creates a special class by extending
additional protections to homosexuals and minorities
- this allows the federal gov't to get involved with stiffer penalties
even though regular criminal law already covers everything
- Christians/pastors who speak against homosexuality could be
prosecuted if their words "incited violence"
2010 U.S. Census
The 2010 census department which is normally run by the Department of Commerce may
also be reporting
to the Obama adminstration now. Concern is that the census results determine when redistricting
required in states and that redistricting could be influenced more than usual by the executive branch.
The 2010 census
will contain an incredibly invasive set of questions which you will be
compelled to answer or face fines up to $5000.
Conservative = Terrorist
The U.S. Justice Department has been attempting to classify as terrorists
members of conservative organizations
- anti-abortion protesters, former military, right-wing organizations, etc.
ACORN funding
- ACORN which is under indictment in several states for voter fraud has received almost
$2 billion tax dollars
- ACORN is currently involved in several government projects, including the 2010 U.S. census.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- This United Nations treaty was signed by the Clinton administration
but never submitted to the Senate for ratification (they knew it would never pass then)
- provides 'rights' to children
which can override parental authority
- All of these are based on the "best interests of the child" (whatever gov't decides)
A few of these are:
- freedom to believe whatever religious beliefs they wish
- access to
information and material from a diversity of national and international sources
- the right to benefit from
social security, including social insurance, which the country must establish
- right of every child to a
standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development
- the
right of the child to rest and leisure
There are 54 articles to this treaty, many of which infringe on parental rights
or U.S. law.
All it needs to become U.S. law is for the Senate to approve (ratify) the signed treaty.
Legitimacy (I think this has to be pursued.)
None of Obama's records have ever been released except a non-birth
The "birth certificate" released is actually a "Certification of Live Birth".
- The certification
which Obama provided was issued under Hawaii statue 338 which allows foreign born children of Hawaii residents to obtain Hawaii
Certification of Live Birth (COLB).
Congress examined John McCain's citizenship because he was born in Panama at a U.S.
naval base. However, no such examination of Obama's citizenship was conducted even though his father was not a U.S.
Records which Obama has refused to release include:
- his kindergarten records
- his Punahou school records
his Occidental College records
- his Columbia University records
- his Columbia thesis
- his Harvard Law School records
his Harvard Law Review articles
- his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago
- his passport
- his medical
- his files from his years as an Illinois state senator
- his Illinois State Bar Association records
- any
baptism records
- his adoption records
The Federal gov't now controls:
- a large number of banks
- insurance and financial institutions
mortgage lenders
- General Motors
- Chrysler
Government control of private sector entities while still regulating
those entities is
unfair competition.
"Experts" are split between an economic recovery and recession turning to depression
However, at the rate the government
is accumulating debt and printing money
- interest rates are going up already; get ready for very high rates
- private
sector job losses are already bad; it's about to get a lot worse
Another "stimulus" package is in the works which will only increase national debt significantly
- Of
the jobs projected from the first stimulus, the majority (600,000) are gov't jobs
- the private sector shrinks, gov't jobs
and control grows tremendously
Oversight of the Federal Reserve which controls our money supply and policy has been put under the World Bank (or IMF). This (and the Fed) itself are violations of the Constitution.
Farm subsidies are being reduced and/or discontinued in some cases. As more privately-owned
go under, guess who picks them up?
Obama has virtually turned our back on Israel, our only true ally in the Middle East.
His approach will accomplish the
- creation of a Palestinian nation in Israeli territory
- weakening of Israel by influx of several hundred
thousand Arabs
- force Israel to forget about Iran's nuclear ambitions or risk war by going it alone
- force Israel
to give up national security by giving away strategic territory
Obama's nomination of Sonja Sotomayor to the Supreme Court is another case of a liberal who will use life
experiences instead of legal interpretation of the Constitution as her practice. Also, she
has openly admitted
that courts should set policy (legislate) from the bench. Creation of
laws is not a function of our courts although
it happens all the time.
Obama is working to reduce our military and intends to revoke our pledge to install missile shields
in Poland and the Czech Republic.
(Illegal) immigration reform is being considered by Obama which will grant amensty.
Mandatory public service of our youth is being developed.
Nationalization of our state-run education system is being discussed.
The treasury secretary has stated that the United States would be interested in a form of global currency which
would replace the dollar.
Under Obama we have already seen the following foreign policy characteristics:
- lack of foreign policy
(American policy now is: "Let's talk")
- decided weakness on foreign issues
- apologizing to the world for American
arrogance and imperialism
- siding with communist/socialist dictators
- siding with the Muslim world against our
Christian nation
The national media is almost totally in Obama's pocket. (Because they have been pushing for Communism
before obummer was born)
HIM!?!?!?!? IDIOTS! Fucking SUICIDAL IDIOTS! You voted for him because he wasn't white! Period!
Don't get me wrong John McCain is a sad excuse for an American. But at least HE'S AMERICAN!!!! America,
you spoiled rotten bunch of Oprah watching, brain-dead weaklings! You will get what you deserve. The problem is
that a lot of good people are going down with you.
Obummer will set off a nuclear device in this country to cast us into martial law.
Then we will cease to exist as a nation and be molded into a new government....which you will regret...especially
your children. (Go to 2nd American Revolution Link at the top left of this page and scroll to the bottom. Look
at the text in RED. It is not just me that feels like something BIG is
on the horizon. They have been warning us that the Muslim extremists may set off a nuclear device in our country.
But you mark my words....it will be our own government.)
You had EVERYTHING and gave it away because your enemies made you feel guilty.
Burn in HELL Obummer and every programmed fool that voted for you.
All of this hero worship for commie negro traitors started with king who is no doubt getting what he
deserves now. Go here to read the truth about martin luther king. And no, I didn't make a mistake. His name
just doesn't deserve Caps!